Maine Bitcoin Blog

Bitcoin Education and News by Maine Bitcoin LLC

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October 2022 - Trustless

"What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust.." - Satoshi Nakamoto

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6 minutes

September 2022 - Risk

“People think I got into bitcoin because I have a high risk tolerance... actually I got in because I have a low risk tolerance for worst case scenarios.” -Jill Carlson , Co-Founder of Open Money Initiative

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7 minutes

August 2022 - Energy

“The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.” -Milton Friedman, Economist & Political Philosopher

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6 minutes

July 2022 - Trust Machine

“Bitcoin is a game where everyone watches everyone else to make sure nobody cheats.” -Jameson Lopp, CTO of Casa

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5 minutes

May 2022, Stability

Complete the description of the article.

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7 minutes

March 2022, Energy Money

The embodiment of value that takes the form of an agreeable medium in order to quantify the productive use of time, skill, and energy.

Admin Admin
8 minutes